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Stewkley Players
Stewkley Players1 week ago
We're having a busy summer of social events including our popular theme evenings and our fun summer bbq. Back in the autumn with details of our next performance. 🎭
Stewkley Players
Stewkley Players2 months ago
It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of David Carter our longest serving member of 66 years. David was an invaluable member of Stewkley Players who, in addition to appearing on stage, produced some of our most memorable productions. He also served as our Chairman for many years.
We will miss David, who was a wonderful man, and we send our love and deepest sympathy to Margaret and to all David’s family.
Stewkley Players
Stewkley Players2 months ago
"Tell me Rene, how much did you raise for the village hall roof?" "Zut alors, Herr Flick - le total is £1,700!"
We are delighted to announce that our murder mystery evening raised a whopping £1,700 which we have donated to the village hall roof appeal. Thank you to everyone who supported our fund-raising event 🇫🇷
Stewkley Players
Stewkley Players3 months ago
Thank you to everyone who attended our Adieu Adieu Murder Mystery dinner and congratulations to those clever guests who identified our double murderer! Special thanks to our amazing team who put this fantastic night together 👏🏻👏🏻
Stewkley Players
Stewkley Players3 months ago
For the upcoming Murder Mystery Evening on Saturday this week - Doors will open at 7.30 with a licensed bar available. The Supper and Performance will start at 8pm. We look forward to seeing you then 🎭
Stewkley Players
Stewkley Players3 months ago
Listen very carefully Stewkley ... we are very much looking forward to entertaining you with our SOLD OUT one-night-only performance of Adieu Adieu on Saturday. Pay attention - there may be a murder, or two . . .🎭
Stewkley Players